GREER FILMS | est 2018.
Our Purpose
To Create
Greer Films is a creative studio, where Production House & Marketing Agency live in the one studio. We deliver unique, custom & professional marketing materials to clients over Australia. We range in business, organizations, education, entertainment, personal & event solutions.
Our Why
Our goal is to empower other business, individuals or organizations to Think outside the Square. Creating unique & custom solutions is just one part of this goal. The other includes working with clients to discuss dreams, goals & strategy to achieve them. If we can help you feel empowered, confident & ready to chase your goals - then we have done our part. You don't have to have professional solutions for everything, but we are here if you need us.
We represent our mission, vision & values. Both internal & external to the studio.
We are the Greer Films Crew
Pat greer
Production Director
Mo Greer
Creative Director
jeremy cummings
Production Assistant
kayla anlezark
Social Media
ruby mcrobert
Social Media
Our Mission
Creating Outside the Box - Together
Our Vision
To create unique & impacting outcomes for our clients
& for us as creators. Building lasting relationships to ensure
we have trust, understanding & enthusiasm for every
project & clients' vision & destination.
Our Values
We get the tasks done, while focusing on everyone's results
We are family. We are community. We are a team
Honest & open communication is held at a high regard
Our Commitment - We are level 11
We understand the impact of our creations & drive
We can all be better
We trust the creative & strategic processes
Everyone is valued for their ideas, input & contribution
Internal & external collaborations are celebrated
Rest & Recover - don't burn out
Relationship internal & external are key
Enabling others to have a voice & express themselves
All skills are valued & encouraged
Leadership is key to our individual & community success